Pastor Mike Hurst

  • Titus 3:3-7
  • Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14
  • Galatians 6: 7-10
What is The Meaning of Life?
Human beings are always searching for the meaning of life. However, the answer to this is simple. The meaning of life is to serve God. Those who fail to see this (the lost) are unguided missiles. Even Christians are guilty at times of losing focus of this meaning and become unguided. When we become unguided missiles our focus shifts from one thing to the next. The object of our attention may be obtained but then it becomes anticlimactic as it falls to boredom, unmet expectations, or doesn’t fill our “needs” appetite fully. So our focus shifts to something else. It is a never ending cycle until the realization that the single meaning of life is to serve God.
When we realize the single meaning of life is to serve God and all actions are guided through this, life reaches an unprecedented level of fulfillment. We may obtain some of the things we desire like a Jaguar, a promotion, or the Cubs winning the World Series (okay, some desires will never be met). However, when we act knowing the meaning of life is to serve God, we will better enjoy these things because we are not expecting this to answer the meaning of life. We treat them as what they are, blessings from God.
The meaning of life is to serve God. There is nothing else. One day everything on this planet and the planet itself will cease to exist. God will still exist. While the meaning of life is to serve God, our purpose needs to be to serve humanity. Christian is to be Christ like and none has served humanity greater. Through fulfilling our purpose of serving humanity, we will lead others to Christ to discover the meaning of Life.